Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday night - Obsessions

Dear Blog.....

When I was in primary school I had a diary, I used to start it with 'Dear Diary', I burnt it when I reached high school. I wish I hadn't.
I would like to remember how I used to see the world.

I haven't been to work all week from having a middle ear infection, I have a 'mid year review interview' it is shit, I have to answer a hole lot of questions about my work performance and then talk about it in an interview. What a wank.

With my time off I have spent too much time surfing the web.

Andy Warhol Site

"You can't make someone love you with a song" - Her Space Holiday, My Girlfriends Boyfriend

I am also going to add some Edie Sedgwick photos, for some reason I love people who are so fucked up beyond belief. I have never struggled with addiction and can not sympathize with people close to me who do deal with it, but tend to love 'characters' (yes, I call Edie a character as you only see the side of her who is put to the world, you don't know these people personally thus they are just a character playing a part to me) who suffer with addiction and just constantly 'fuck up'. It makes them human.

Josie Tyrell ->>>>>

Also for your viewing pleasure

What a babe, right?

'Inverloch' webcomic

1 comment:

  1. i know, right?
    edie sedgwick &that whole era//group of people are just fascinating.


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